Obsessed Runner Blog

2012-02-15 - Tricks


RandyYo run gang

Even an obsessed runner needs tricks to get out the door...

I love running, but there are many days that I find it hard to get out the door, how can that be? It is because day to day life is an "almost" inescapable trap. The effort needed to step out beyond work, laundry, bills, cooking, cleaning, newspapers, shopping and the sludge of daily existence is huge. Throw in bad weather, colds and flu, pain and injury and even with my priorities in line, it gets even trickier. I have been running pretty much every day for 30 something years. I am often asked, "How do you find the time or motivation to do it?" It's not magic but let me pass along a few tricks I use.

#1. Keep a log. This can be the most important weapon in your athletic arsenal. Simple numbers in a log can be tremendous motivation. The log is essential for success.

#2. Lie to yourself.  On the days the numbers in the log don't stir your soul, this is the time to lie to your body. Promise it that you just want to go out for a 10 minute jog and that if it still wants to go home and lay on the couch after that you will let it. Once out the door, the run is licked!

#3. Visit a Running Store. This suggestion might sound like sales pitch ... Because it is! Stop by a running store at least once a month to pick up a new running magazine, book or some race applications. It helps to visit an environment that supports your effort

#4. Find a training partner. Knowing some poor soul is out there waiting for you at 6 AM will force you out of bed and out the door

#5. Read about running. Motivational Running books and magazines can also get you out the door. The trick, pick up a running magazine or book and after a few pages the guilt will set in, you will soon be back in the training mind set.

Run like you have to,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is happy every time he runs, but not always happy to run. 

PS:  Registration is now open for the Canton Liberty Fest Run!
Celebrate our freedom at the Liberty Festival 5K, 10K and one mile on June 16, and be a part of something ... BIG!  More Info

PS: Volunteer Opportunities Abound!
Volunteer for any Running Fit event - get stuff!

Shamrocks & Shenanigans - March 11 - Volunteer Now! 

Martian Marathon - April 14 - Volunteer Now!

November 17, 2010 - Running, Naturally

Yo run Gang,

The focus of my midweek mail usually targets motivation but today I'm writing during my midday break at The Running Event in Austin, Texas, a conference for the specialty running store. We get together at as an industry and share what we are doing to bring back to you the best in products, training information and anything that might add to your running experience. Yes, we are here working hard for you but it's a labor of love ... not to mention it's a convention that starts each day with a group run (Where they give us all new shoes to try out) what's not to love!

So far, the key topics have been the natural running movement and compression apparel. Natural running focuses on form and lighter, neutral, minimalist footwear and even barefoot running. For years the industry has focused on putting runners in footwear based on foot type and the runners gait. The shift is to suggest better running form instead of putting the runner in controlling shoes to compensate for bad form. The most common form issue is over striding. A long stride results with striking the heel first, causing the runner to actually break their forward movement, causing impact that leads to many common running injuries. Cutting the stride in half cuts the impact and the motions of the joints to almost zero. By shortening stride and striking midfoot, the runner can run with lighter less controlling footwear. How to tell if you are over striding? If you wear your heels down you most likely over stride. A way to check is to count one arm swing during one minute of running, by getting this number to 80 or more, your stride will be about right. We will be offering form clinics to give you more tricks, stay tuned!

Compression apparel is hot, hot, hot! Wearing compression tights on a run can cut the perceived effort by 25%, it does this by reducing energy lost to muscle vibration and improving circulation. Compression has been used in the medical industry for years but has only recentlly has it become a staple product for sports. Take a look in the running publications and you will see compression socks  or calf sleeves on most world class runners, they would only use these products if they experienced the benefits. The most common use for compression is to wear it after the run, it promotes healing and faster recoveries. Today while talking to many top US distance runners at the conference, all agreed they wear compression calf sleeves or socks when traveling to and from events, making a huge difference in giving them fresh legs to race with!

Get out and run,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner who's finding new toys just for you! Hmmm ... new stuff always motivates me out the door, I gues my focus was motivation afterall! 

July 30, 2008 - Take the time to get a non fit neighbor out for an easy run or walk.

Yo Run Gang,

Those of us that live the running life may have a skewed view of the "average American" when it comes to fitness. For me, being in the running and event business only adds to my warped view. Sure, day to day life brings us in contact with plenty of people that are in horrible shape including some of our own friends and family but overall I'd guess we still get a false sense of what the true shape of America really is. It struck me this week while observing the crowd along a northern Michigan holiday parade route ... Yikes! The percentage of "large" people (I'm sure there is a politically correct word) and the number of people who still smoke was a bit of a shock. Perhaps it's always been this way and I am a poor observer but my gut feel is that the country is on a down slide.

Not that I have the answers; but getting out there and setting the example, talking positively with people about running and taking the time to get a non fit neighbor out for an easy run or walk would be a start.

Run, walk, share,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner

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