Obsessed Runner Blog

August 12, 2009 - This wonderful life can turn south on a dime.

Yo run gang,

This wonderful life can turn south on a dime. One day you run a P.R., the next you can loose a job, be diagnosed with a wicked disease or get killed in an accident. No, I have not had anything tragic happen in my life lately but Im just throwing out a reminder of why every healthy day is a gift and should be cherished. Lace em up, get outside and live life to the max, when the bad days come, well be ready to rest. Amen.

Next Wednesday is the final Dinosaur Sprint Triathlon of summer, T-Rex. A perfect first time triathlon to enter, watch or volunteer at. If you have not seen a transition area in action, come join us. Live music and midweek fun at the beach. Island Lake Recreation Area. Go to www.runtrextri.com

Cross Country time! Bring your CC runner to a Running Fit Cross Country night! Big discounts, free stuff and a great motivational night to kick off the season. See stores, dates and times below.

Race pick of the weekend, Sunday, August 16, a heart warming 5K & 10K family event at Oakland Community College, on the corner of I-696 and Orchard Lake Rd. In memory of Mary Anglea DiGiovanni and her remarkable spirit. Enter at http://www.angelsplace.com/Mary%20Angela%20Run/Mary%20Angela%20Run%20Cover%20Page.htm

Live, love, run,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner heading outside

Cross Country Nights: For those of you with cross country runners in the family (You lucky dogs!): Running Fit has a couple of cross country open house nights coming up with extra discounts and fun give-a-way items to keep your runner fired up! Come any date at any time between 4 and 9 PM.

Monday August 17th in West Bloomfield, Wednesday August 19th in Northville, Tuesday August 25th in Novi and on Thursday August 27th in Ann Arbor, this may be at our new warehouse store on Jackson, call 734-929-9022 before you head out.

July 1, 2009 - I am "high" on mileage!

Yo Run Gang,

Its the 40th anniversary of Woodstock Music Festival and Im celebrating by putting on Run Woodstock, 3 days of peace, love and RUNNING! Many saw Woodstock as a self indulgent festival of irresponsibility and the same gang might see Run Woodstock in same light. The truth is, they are correct! The goal of Run Woodstock will be to leave responsibility and perhaps reality behind for a couple days to do a bit of communal running and mellowing out. The deeper truth is that this type of experience may be necessary for us, perhaps helping avoid depression, suicide, heart attack or stroke due to the stress of a so called responsible life. You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one Join us in September, check out www.runwoodstock.com.   

The following quote by the late Dr. George Sheehan, runner and philosopher, sheds light on running and why Run Woodstock.

We run long to learn our inner most self. In the long run we get down to bedrock. We find courage and strength we never knew we possessed. We give witness to a person we have never been before.

The run is like religion and play. It resembles art and music, it fills an area of life that is of tremendous importance but has no practical value. And like those other similar activities, running is among our most important functions. It helps us discover and form the self, we find where we are and where we are going. We learn who we are and who we might be. The long run is a place of self discovery.

Far out man,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, high on mileage

February 24, 2010 - On the trail to Boston!

Yo run gang,

I do most of my training on trails, even for a road race. Running the uneven surface develops the ancillary muscles of the leg and foot, creating more of a muscular balance than the narrow range of overused muscles from running the pavement, reducing the chance of overuse injuries. Another plus, once back on the road, you will run faster with less perceived effort. The same trail training effect comes from snow covered roads, when the entire world becomes a trail! Get on the trail shoes and get in a valuable run today, without having to head to the woods!

For those of us increasing our weekly mileage for a long spring race ahead, feel good runs are few and far between. The good runs will come when we finally plateau and groove into the mileage, the great runs will come as we taper and sharpen, the real reward comes on race day. Hang tough!

Randy Step, an obsessed runner on the trail to Boston!

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