2023.07.26 - Each run becomes historic

randy freepWhile visiting New York, I took a break from my run in Central Park to stand on the finish line of the Marathon. I would swear I could feel the energy and history radiating through me. The hundreds of thousand runners that have crossed it, including just about every world class marathon runner who has ever lived in the last 50 years. So many personal stories of pain and glory have taken place on this painted line on the ground. When my running days are over, if I can, perhaps I’ll start a new streak of visiting finish lines. Perhaps doing this, we can be like the ancient druids that gained powers just from contact with the certain sites with stones and mounded earth, or sacred wells and healing springs that channel energy from within the land and from the sun, moon and stars; that we can attune ourselves to the rhythm ... Woah! A new streak!


Run and be one with history,


Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who especially digs finish lines drawn in the dirt!

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