2020.09.03 - Virtual Shmirtual

randy bridgesI was never a fan of virtual races, having always seen race day as a time to gather with kindred spirits, those who train and get in their runs and know what it takes to get to the starting line. We run on our own for most of our miles, events are a celebration of what we do. We line up and give our best, to honor ourselves and our running community.

That said, without races, due to covid, I now admit to getting motivated out that door by the online challenges! I admire the creative themes but mostly my motivation comes from the FB Challenge groups where participants share their personal success, and what I find the most valuable, their struggles. For now, we can be there for each other on social media, soon, I hope to toe the line with all of you again.

Run safe, run proud,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who “likes” every mile you put in.


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