June 4, 2008 - Never, never, ever grow up!

Yo run gang,

One of the many reasons we run is that it makes us feel like little kids going out to play, so unlike much of our so called, normal adult lives. I especially feel this way when changing my clothes in my car, (seems to happen at least a couple times a week), and running in the rain (splashing through the puddles). Never, never, ever grow up!

This Saturday is the Red Carpet Run 5K. Encourage anyone under 30 not to miss this party! This fun, dress up, rock star run can be a catalyst for a future of running. All fun, a race where what you wear is far more important than pace! www.redcarpetrun.com.

Twice a year, Running Fit throws a party for everyone who has volunteered at events throughout the year. The June 14th Dash & Burn Soiree is a party in the woods (a secret location), around a roaring fire with music food and fun. Optional routes, short and long, walk or run, are offered. You can't buy your way into this one, but you still have the opportunity to volunteer this Saturday for the Red Carpet Run, or on the 14th at the Flirt with Dirt Trail Run in Novi (the morning of the party!). Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and say, sign me up, I never miss a party!

For those of you who have volunteered and have not RSVP'd to the party yet, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today!

Run, volunteer, and party,
Randy Step, an admitted kid for life

2013-04-17 - We run as one

Yo run gang,
April 17, 2013

Randy...I've always known running can give us a bit of an escape from our feelings of anger, sadness, and frustration as we deal with the troubles of this world, but since the bombings in Boston, the run seems to have taken on a new sense of purpose and meaning. Every step feels like a dedication to those who suffered. Just heading out the door is like thumbing our nose at terrorists that are out to change our way of life and limit our freedoms. From the social media posts I read, everyone will be trying to qualify for Boston just to be there and show the terrorists that they have wasted their time.

We welcome home and congratulate all the Boston Runner's, especially the 22 members of the Running Fit 501 team and Running Fit  staff members: Lori (Novi Manager), Aaron Kosel (HQ) , Swim Coach Leslie Braun and Tom Artushin (West Bloomfield).

To celebrate your return, and to run in solidarity for Boston, Running Fit will be hosting "Runners For Boston" unity 4.15 Mile run/walk on Wednesday, April 24th at 6:30pm. Meet at Kensington Metro Park, East Boat Launch.  "Runners for Boston" is an event bringing the community of runners and supporters of runners together to show support for those affected in Boston on Monday, April 15th.  On the run, participants are invited to wear past/present Boston Marathon gear, gear sporting the iconic blue & yellow Boston colors or your favorite race shirt for the occasion.

Run as one,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed American runner.