Obsessed Runner Blog

May 13, 2009 - May I share some taper tips, starting with, enjoy it!

Yo Run Gang,

With the Traverse City, Bayshore Marathon a week away many of you are like me, into the taper. For those of you newer to distance racing, we taper our training miles the days (weeks) just before the event. A time to lick the high mileage training wounds, resting up and storing the muscle glycogen needed to get us to the finish line. During the taper we find ourselves with extra time on our hands, time to worry about our training, our race, and what we eat.

May I share some taper tips, starting with, enjoy it! You worked hard to get here, use the extra time to read a motivational book, watch a motivational movie, get a massage, take a nap ... I guess you could be responsible and catch up on work you got behind on during training dang.

A good rule of thumb is to cut your weekly mileage in half the final two weeks. Example, from 40 to 20 to a race week total of 10 miles, I go to every other day running the final week, nothing long. As you drop your mileage, up the tempo. Short fast runs will make marathon pace feel slow and easy. Bring on the taper!

For those of you who like shopping a sale, this weekend at our warehouse headquarters in west Ann Arbor, its Crazy Larrys Running Garage/Tent Sale where Larrys blowing out all kinds of cool and strange, running stuff. (For example, I spotted a Hal Higdon Running Book from 1980) All 7 stores have sent stuff they needed moved and Larry who works in the warehouse (And has to deal with all of it) says it has to go or hell quit .Hmmm. Closeout shoes from 35% 75% off, winter stuff from 50% to 75% off, even the current inventory will be at least 10% off. See the times and dates below.

After my spring marathon, I go into triathlon mode for the summer. This year, give a Tri a try; check out this perfect low key, and fun, Wednesday night triathlon series at www.runtrextri.com.

Run smart,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner about to put his feet up

2013-02-27 - Don't let your head get in the way

Yo run gang,
February 27, 2013

As winter pounds on, motivation takes a beating and I turn to my mental bag of tricks. I start by reminding myself that motivation is a feeling and feelings are a choice. I can look out at the snow and gray sky, mope around, complain and be miserable! Or, I can choose to get excited about the great challenge ahead and how I will conquer it!

If this method is failing me and my mind seems to be made up that it wants to do anything but run, I stop thinking and just head out and run. I show my mind that not running is not an option; sometimes I give myself a firm talking-to: "Hey head, get with the program or be miserable, it's up to you, I'm running! I've decided that feeling bad, run-down and unmotivated is a plus!"

How's it a plus? Once this run is finished I will have a much greater feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment than an easy run on a nice day. To heck with those wimpy runs, bring it on!

Don't let your head get in the way, just get out and run!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner .. and a bit of a head case.

PS: One last motivational tip: Always have some Chocolate Milk in the fridge ... that you can only drink after running! I find when I'm arguing with myself, this will seal the deal!

September 9, 2009 - I hit what seemed like a barrier in progress.

Yo run gang,

Ive been running 5-7 days a week for 30 something years, pretty much major injury free (not pain free). That is to say, Ive not had a pain that required surgery or major medical intervention. Ive missed plenty of days of running due to some ache or pain but no injury that has caused any permanent damage (as far as I know). I truly believe running is a safe and positive life long activity. All my running pain has come from stupidity (Some of it well call lack of knowledge) and bullheadedness in training.

I can remember the first few months when I started running and how I hit what seemed like a barrier in progress. I could never run more than 25 miles per week without being sidelined with some new pain. About a year into my running I remember 40 miles per week seemed to be the maximum mileage I could not get passed without some new pain. A couple years later I was struggling with getting past 85 miles per week when it finally sunk in. Running was not the problem; it was how I put in the miles. I had finally realized I had learned how to run 25 then 40 then 85 miles per week with the body I had. I had learned what workouts I could or could not get away with. I learned when to run hard and when to take a day off. I learned to run 85 miles per week pain free and needed more information to get past this new plateau. The answer was my running form. A shorter stride with a quick cadence, more forward lean and not allowing my heel to strike the ground first, more, flat quick foot contact with the ground. This eliminated shock, overpronation and much of the motion of the knee. Do I still run into pain? Sure, but most often it comes from non running related stuff that effects my running, like being a weekend warrior in some other sport like volley ball, snow boarding, wake boarding or moving big stuff around in my garage And yes, stupidity and bull headedness in my running!

So, when injured, dont blame running or the running shoe companies, instead, look back at what you did to cause the pain, take time off to calm it down, and learn.

Run smart,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, always learning

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